Derek Winnert


This article was written on 27 Sep 2023, and is filled under Reviews.

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Screwed [Pihalla] *** (2017, Mikko Kauppila, Valtteri Lehtinen, Sanna Majuri, Juho Keskitalo) – Classic Movie Review 12,655

Nils-Erik Ekblom’s entertaining and amusing but thoughtful 2017 Finnish gay coming of age drama film Screwed [Pihalla] stars Mikko Kauppila and Valtteri Lehtinen as 17-year-old boys Miku and Elias, who find themselves, and each other, during a summer at their families’ neighbouring holiday homes in the Finnish countryside. But holding onto new-found love is far from easy, especially with crazy moms and crazy siblings. Is it just summer love? What happens when autumn comes?

Miku (Mikko Kauppila) and his older brother Sebu (Juho Keskitalo) hold a riotous party at their parents’ house, which gets trashed. His mother is beyond furious, blames Miku for the mess, and takes him off with dad to a remote cabin for the summer. Initially bored and isolated without his mobile which mom has chucked on the motorway, Miku soon finds a new friend in the neighbour Elias (Valtteri Lehtinen). Well, that was lucky then. Elias lends him his phone, with its secrets, and also soon his body, which also comes with its secrets too.

Screwed [Pihalla] is quirky, sweet, flavourful, optimistic and just plain nice. It hits just the right notes throughout. It doesn’t push too hard or try to resolve all the issues, just air a few, and bring them into the light. Miku and Elias like each other, maybe even love each other, but it is early days, and they are probably not made for each other. Or are they? It’s summer love, time to have sone fun before autumn comes. The sensitive Miku is so sensible, it hurts. The more confident, more experienced, more gay Elias knows exactly what he wants, but does he? He seems to have just dumped his last lover unceremoniously and Miku isn’t sure whether he can trust him. But whatever happens, the boys are going to be okay.

The script feels truthful and realistic, the characters are involving, the filming style is lively, the scenery lovely, and the fresh, credible performances of Mikko Kauppila and Valtteri Lehtinen really sell it. Despite the aggressive title, the love making is warm but tender and discreet.

© Derek Winnert 2023 – Classic Movie Review 12,655

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